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Application Form

Terms and Conditions

The Diploma in Orthopaedic Massage and Manipulation builds on the knowledge and skills acquired within the Advanced Remedial Massage Course, introducing the student to the art of manipulation, in addition to advancing their practice in non-manipulative techniques. This course is aimed at taking the student to the top of their profession, allowing them to treat the most complex and difficult cases. In addition to manipulation of the spine, sacrum and pelvis, the course covers manipulation of all peripheral joints. It also covers neurodynamic testing and treatment, cranial mobilisation, McKenzie technique for the cervical and lumbar spine, biomechanics of the upper and lower limb and gait analysis. 


Start Date

1st/2nd Nov 2025


12 weekends, one weekend a month



Deposit (non refundable)



£2550.00 by 1st Nov 2025 (total cost £3000)

or by instalments to be paid by 1st Jun 2026 (total cost £3170)



Course Dates


1st/2nd Nov, 6/7th Dec
10/11th Jan, 7/8th Feb, 7/8th Mar, 11/12th Apr, 9/10th May, 6/7th Jun, 4/5th Jul, 8/9th Aug, 5/6th Sep, 3/4th Oct (exams)

Course Content

●    Manipulation of the spine
●    Manipulation of the upper and lower limbs
●    Neurodynamics, including in depth neurological examination and treatment for nerve dysfunction

  • Cranial mobilisations

●    Assessment of type and location of protruding and herniated discs together with exercises and treatment
●    Interpretation of MRI reports
●    Biomechanics including dysfunction of muscle firing sequence with causes and treatment
●    Physiology of common medications
●    Advanced massage techniques for the individual deep muscles of the cervical spine

Entry Requirements

Entry for the Diploma in Orthopaedic Massage and Manipulation is the Diploma in Advanced Remedial Massage. Anyone who has completed this Diploma with a different school will be required to complete a revision weekend on the spine prior to the commencement of the course, plus a minimum of 2 shadow sessions, with case studies at West Linton. There will be no cost attached to the shadowing but the weekend will be an additional cost of £250.00. Students unsure of eligibility should contact the School for further guidance.

Course Duration

The course will run over twelve weekends, over the period of a year. Total contact hours will be 180 hours with approximately 330 hours of home study.


The course will be run in the Edinburgh area.

Method of Study

The course will be run over twelve weekends which will be run approximately once a month and will cover both the practical and theoretical elements of the course. This learning will be supplemented by approximately 30 hours of home study each month which will include assignments, practice of techniques, and a dissertation. Students must complete a minimum of 12 hours of clinical experience during the course. Students will be encouraged to form small study groups to allow practice of practical techniques between monthly sessions.

Course Material

Course material will consist of comprehensive handouts, dynamic spreadsheets and video links. Students will therefore require access to email, the internet and Microsoft Office and have a working knowledge of each.



Please bring a towel and a pillow to each weekend. One couch between 2 will also be required. Please confirm that you can provide a couch if needed.  All students will need access to a couch for their case studies. A non-compulsory reading list will be provided.


Award of the Diploma will based on: 

  • Continuous assessment throughout the course, based on weekend theory tests and practical assessments, together with home study assignments and a dissertation and clinical experience sessions.

  • Final assessments, which will include written and practical examinations


On successful completion of the course, students will be awarded a Diploma in Orthopaedic Massage and Manipulation.

Courses are accredited by both the Scottish Massage Therapists Organisation and the National Association of Massage and Manipulative Therapists.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

On completion of the course opportunities will be provided for graduates to gain their statutory 20 hours CPD required to meet GCMT and CHNC guidelines.

Please contact us with any queries either by telephone, 01968 661282 or email

Application Form

Terms and Conditions

Contact Us: 

Telephone: 01968 661282

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